Wednesday, March 23, 2011

iPhoto name

1. Upload your slideshow as a movie to your blog posting. [If you have trouble with this, check to see that you exported it in the correct format.]

2. List the search terms (words) that you used to find images (for the letters of your name and the images that describe you) and why?
I typed in "letter k" or whatever letter i needed to find, so images of that letter would come up.

3. What skills did you use/learn in this project?
I learned how to make a slideshow, export it, and add music.

4. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation.
I could use these skills to make a slideshow in the future.

5. This was a more creative project than our first 2. Did you prefer it or the more cut and dry assignments in Word and Excel?
I liked this assignment the best, it let us be creative and express ourselves in the project.

6. How did your project use the transformative property of borrowed images, music, and information to comply with the Copyright Law of 1976? [...not just that you cited the information - citing is not enough...tell me how you transformed what you've taken into something new, etc., How did you transform the music, information, images, etc.?

I got the music off of iPhoto and I got some of my pictures off of the internet.  I put the link into easyBib and cited my sources.

Charity Letter & Mail Merge - Reflection


2. My business was Yoplait Yogurt and the charity was Race for the Cure.

3. I told them a statistic about breast cancer.

4. I learned how to merge the letter and add contacts.

5. The easiest part was adding a picture. The hardest was placing the things for the merge.

6. When I am older and have to write letters for my job, I could use this skill to tell many people about something quicker.

7. I did not know how to merge, I learned how to do that in my project.

Friday, March 18, 2011

M&M Reflection


2. an electronic file with a predesigned, customized formatand structure, as for a fax, letter, or expense report,ready to be filled in.

3. I used the pie chart and the sum buttons.

4.I learned how to add my numbers together on excel and to make things from a table to a graph or pie chart.

5. I changed the colors of my pie chart to match the color of the word.

6. It could help me with surveys or other charts or graphs I would need to make for school or fun in the future.

Monday, March 14, 2011

About Me

1. I hope to learn more about my laptop in this class. I hope to learn new tools that will help me with school and other things.

2. I prefer when teachers put my grades on Netclassroom or to be notified through email.

3. This picture represents me because I am a swimmer.